Saturday, February 23, 2008

Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.)

Harley Owners Group:

Harley-Davidson established the Harley Owners Group (abbreviated H.O.G.) in 1983 in response to a growing desire by a new breed of Harley riders for an organized way to share their passion and show their pride. In 1991, H.O.G. went international, with the first official European H.O.G. Rally in Cheltenham, England. Today, more than one million members and more than 1400 chapters worldwide make H.O.G. the largest factory-sponsored motorcycle organization in the world. H.O.G. benefits include organized group rides, exclusive products and product discounts, insurance premium discounts, and the Hog Tales newsletter. A one year full membership is included with the purchase of a new, unregistered Harley Davidson.

courtesy Wikipedia

Harley-Davidson Riders Club of Great Britain

Harley-Davidson 2004 Heritage: The Harley-Davidson Riders Club of Great Britain (est 1949) was the first British riders club (as opposed to motorcycle club) and organized national rallies and ride-outs from the outset.

The 1982 rally began a popular run of events, probably due to the good fortune of having William G. Davidson attending his first rally outside the USA, in Great Britain.

He is thought to have been more than curious to discover how the secret "Evolution Motor" had found its world exclusive on the cover of the spring edition of the Harley-Davidson Riders Club of Great Britain magazine, the "Harleyquin", but having a forgiving nature, Willie G. returned in 1984, along with Vaughan Beals and Len Thomson to officially show off the Evolution engine by bringing a test ride fleet to the second Brighton International Super Rally run by the Harley-Davidson Riders Club of Great Britain. The demonstration rides were the first at any European Rally.

Where did the nickname "HOG" come from?

Origin of "Hog" nickname
Beginning in 1920, a team of farm boys, including Ray Weishaar, who became known as the "hog boys," consistently won races. The group had a hog, or pig as their mascot. Following a win, they would put the pig (a real one) on the back of their Harley and take a victory lap. In 1983, the Motor Company formed a club for owners of its product taking advantage of the long-standing nickname by turning "hog" into the acronym H.O.G., for Harley Owners Group. Harley-Davidson attempted to trademark "hog", but lost a case against an independent Harley-Davidson specialist, The Hog Farm of West Seneca, NY, in 1999 when the appellate panel ruled that "hog" had become a generic term for large motorcycles and was therefore unprotectable as a trademark.
On August 15, 2006, Harley Davidson Inc. had its NYSE ticker symbol changed from HDI to HOG.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Where has all the sunshine gone?

Well, after four or five days of nice warm sunshine, we now have fog and zero rays. It is so gloomy here, just wanted to let you all know it is no fun living in Fridaythorpe, on days like this. If I didn't have my computer, I would really get cabin fever. Hope for more sunshine for the weekend.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Banner day at Fridaythorpe

BOYEEEEEE ! We had a banner day today at Fridaythorpe, lots of bikers came through today, from Harleys to Hondas, we had several hundred. Yesterday we had a lot, but today was even better. The sound of those Harley engines is music to your ears, marvelous. We don't see a lot of Harleys, I think most of the bikes that come through here are the smaller ones, like Suzuki, Honda, etc. I can always recognize the Harley engine when I hear it, I love it. I took a few pictures today, so here are a few for you.

Friday, February 8, 2008

ELF EMF radiation

The following is an article I found very interesting, to follow up on Randall Chipkar's development of a motorcycle seat.

We should not miss the point here. If your motorcycle is pushing up to 500 mG of ELF EMF radiation into your groin then there is reason for health concern. Page 2 of the motorcyclecancer site presents facts that cannot be ignored. Riding is dangerous enough and we should not have to gamble with our health on this technical level also. Cancers are becoming an epidemic and ELF EMF radiation is emerging as a recognized carcinogen. To quote the site:
Individual responsibility leads to content accountability. Science proves electromagnetic danger. Now that a type of motorcycle ELF EMF has been exposed, I hope denial is not going to be considered as a solution.
Ultimately the choice is our own to become more educated about these EMF issues.
As for governments and industry keeping people in the dark about emerging EMF health issues, I would like to quote the site again:
Many experts believe existing government regulations are extremely inadequate concerning various EM close exposures and public safety. Unfortunately this can create a false sense of well being for different industries that claim compliance to government standards. Where does that leave the consumer?
I feel that this Chipkar guy is bang on target and time will prove him correct.
Comment by Ghost Rider — February 5, 2008 @ 1:42 am

South Florida wheelies

Back in November '07 South Florida introduced legislation to show bikers they would be punished for stunt riding, (including wheelies), excessive speeding, and concealable license plates. A 10-year ban on your motorcycle license, mandatory jail time and an impounded bike, is what these bikers are looking at if caught.

These incidents of reckless behaviour has gotten out of hand in South Florida.

Bikes A Lot

Hey, these pictures were taken back when the weather was slightly warmer. The weather now is quite cold and windy, and we have had several snows up here in Fridaythorpe. Some time the parking lot has over 100 bikes at one time, but that is only when the temperature is right, and if you are lucky, some sunshine. Looking forward to some warmer weather soon.

Monday, February 4, 2008

News release - new protective motorcycle seat

According to Randall Dale Chipkar, the new motorcycle seat he has patented can protect the rider from serious bodily damage caused by radiation to the riders vital organs. There will be research done about this finding, and we should all see what comes of it in the future. The patent was brought to light in a news release on January 8, 2008. Keep us posted, please.